
( زدکس )


Dextromethorphan is an anti-cough drug that affects the cough control center in the brain and can suppress dry coughs. Many people use several anti-cough or anti-cold drugs at the same time when they have a cold or cough. It is better to know that taking several drugs at the same time, which may have similar components, not only has no effect on speeding up your recovery, but can also increase the risk of drug side effects. Therefore, avoid taking more than two anti-cold medicines at the same time without consulting your doctor and be sure to check the ingredients of the anti-cold medicine.
It is recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the right medicine for your symptoms so that recovery can be achieved in the best way by taking the right medicine.

Before starting dextromethorphan
– If you have liver diseases, this medicine is not suitable for you.
– If you are taking sedatives and antidepressants, especially monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as selegiline, tranylcypromine, and phenelzine, be sure to inform your doctor.
– This medicine is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
– If you have a history of allergy to dextromethorphan or other antitussive drugs, inform your doctor.
– If you have asthma (especially in the phase of an asthma attack), this medicine is not suitable for you.
– If you have a history or suffer from any respiratory disease such as asthma, COPD, respiratory tract infection, shortness of breath, etc., inform your doctor.
– If you have a history of chronic cough, be sure to consult a doctor and avoid self-administration of this drug because dextromethorphan can aggravate your cough or mask the symptoms of another disease (which your cough could be caused by). .
– If your cough is accompanied by phlegm secretions, be sure to inform your doctor or pharmacist because taking this medicine may worsen your condition.
– If you are pregnant, inform your pharmacist about the decision of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
– Provide the pharmacist or doctor with a list of all your medications, especially anti-allergic, anti-cold, anti-depressant, Parkinson’s drugs, quinidine, amiodarone, sedative pain medications, and alcoholic products, so that if needed, the amount and type of medication Change consumption appropriately.

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